The event will consist of two tracks. The main track will contain a series of talks and lightning talks. In parallel, there will be a number of devrooms where people can get together to discuss actual work on their respective communities or just share ideas about common projects they care about.

Talks are 45 minutes presentations with 10 minutes for questions after that (total of 55 minutes). Lightning talks are 10 minutes presentations with 5 minutes for questions after that (total of 15 minutes). Devrooms will last at least 4 hours, but can be proposed for whole day or the whole event duration.

This is the call for presentations schedule:

The conference language is English. Because of that, there will be an explicitly preference for English presentations. If we have room, we might be able to accept presentations in other languages. Be aware that your presentation material must be in the same language you are going to use during the presentation.

Content should not be commercial in nature and should not be proprietary or contain confidential information.